Sunday, December 31, 2006

It's almost over

Hey, 2006 has less than 24 hours left. In many ways it seems like it just started 48 hours ago. It's been a busy year both at home and at work. We started the year with dance competitions.

Jenna was part of Miss Amy's Dance Company last school year and got her first taste of competition. She loved it! Having been given the choice of dance or going out for cheerleading for this school year, she decided to stick with dance (Dad is jumping for joy). She's not in the Dance Company this year, but she is part of the the new Praise Company and has already danced at several church events. She's also clogging again to prepare for Dance Company again next year. As a result, this has been a very busy holiday season.

I'll have to think a bit about other things that have happened this year. Maybe I'll post them here later.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Where did 2006 go?

Well, life happened - a whole year of it. More to follow...No, really.