Thursday, September 29, 2005

Define 'Overwhelm'

tr.v. o·ver·whelmed, o·ver·whelm·ing, o·ver·whelms

   1. To surge over and submerge; engulf: waves overwhelming the rocky shoreline.
         a. To defeat completely and decisively: Our team overwhelmed the visitors by 40 points.
         b. To affect deeply in mind or emotion: Despair overwhelmed me.
   3. To present with an excessive amount: They overwhelmed us with expensive gifts.
   4. To turn over; upset: The small craft was overwhelmed by the enormous waves.


    Overpowering in effect or strength: overwhelming joy; an overwhelming majority. 

How about overwhelming workload?  Overwhelming demands?

Being the only person at a company who can do certain things is both a blessing and a curse.  While I always know I'm needed, I seem to be needed by more people at a time than I can handle.  This is especially true when there is one overarching project that I am supposed to be completing during the time that everyone is doing the needing.  

By the way, someone needs that one project completed, too.

Those that I work with and work for tell me they understand my situation and bear me no ill will, but it appears to me that I am trying to do so many things at once, that I am not sure any of them is getting done satisfactorily.  At least I am not sure I am happy with what I am producing.  I am definitely not happy with the progress I am making on the one project.

It is also placing a strain on my family life.  I stay at the office so late, I don't get to eat meals with Lynn and Jenna.  Some nights, I barely get home in time to put Jenna to bed.  Lynn and I don't get to talk much, unless you count my snoring.

Anyway, Fall Break is here, and Lynn and Jenna are going to be out of town visiting family next week.  I am going to try to work like a madman early next week to get this one project finished.  Maybe things will settle into more of a routine after that.  The other good news is that the customer is holding a rather large retainage until my part is completed.  I will get a decent commission from that once it is done.

On another note, this weekend, I am going to West Tennessee with Lynn & Jenna to visit her family.  We say that is why we are going, but the real reason is that this weekend is the annual Reelfoot Lake Craft Fair.  Lynn never misses it.  I don't either. (Okay, I missed it once, but she regretted it because there was no one to carry the packages.)  It's really pretty impressive.  Vendors are there from all over the US.  I makes for an interesting day out.  Besides, we get to eat well at The Blue Bank, one of the local restaurants.

Unfortunately, when I visit the in-laws, I don't have internet access.  I won't be posting while I am there. :(

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