Thursday, September 22, 2005

I'm back...but no one knows I left...

so did I really leave? I was messing around and found this blog I created over a year ago. There hasn't been any activity on it in so long (like ever) that anyone who has stumbled across it in the past has probably written it off as a dead blog. Well, I'm here to revive it.

This is a site about very little. I have no real focus in my life, so this blog will have none either. I occassionally try to be witty. It doesn't usually work, so try to look over it.

Since nothing really exciting happens in my life, things may be a bit boring..Except, I'm pretty sure most of you feel that nothing happens in your life either, so, maybe consider this your story as well.

The most exciting day around our place is usually Saturday, when we realize that there are still 6 days until payday and we have only one day of money left. Then, on, let's say Monday, the dryer breaks down...with a load of wet clothes in it...and is not discovered until we are ready to put the clothes that are still in the washer in the dryer. We only need to do that step because all the towels in the house are dirty and we really would like to take another shower or two before the week is over. So, while the washer is washing the towels, I take the dryer apart and discover that I can't even make a temporary repair without a $50.00 10 PM. So I take the whole lot of wet clothes to the laundramat eight miles away and dry them there. Only, I waste 75 cents in a dryer there that has the same problem as ours. The good news is I was the only one in the laundamat (at midnight) and I plenty of peace and quiet to read.

So...that's a sample of life in my skin.

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